Matilde Santos Peñas was born in Madrid, Spain. She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics (Computer Engineering) and her Ph.D in Physics in 1994, from the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). Since 1986 she has been with the Department of Computer Architecture and Systems Engineering at the UCM, where she is currently Full Professor in System Engineering and Automatic Control.
She has published many papers in international scientific journals and several book chapters. She is coauthor of a book on Artificial Intelligence (RaMa, 2005). She has supervised 9 Ph.Ds. She currently serves as member of the editorial board of Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier), Complexity (Hindawi) journals and she is editor-in-chief assistant of Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial.
Her major research interests are: Intelligent Control (mainly fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy), Signal Processing, Modelling and Simulation, Engineering applications of Soft Computing techniques.